
Forensic LAB

Digital Forensics Lab Setup

Consulting service for setting up a digital forensics lab for the collection and analysis of digital evidence.


Service Overview

Consulting for Setting Up a Digital Forensics Lab to International Standards

PLAINBIT brings experience and expertise in all areas related to digital forensics.
We provide systematic consulting across the entire spectrum of digital forensics, divided into the following four areas

Environment Setup
  • 하드웨어 Hardware

    Workstations, laptops

    Write blockers

    Storage media duplication devices

    Imaging equipment, etc.

  • 소프트웨어 Software

    Disk forensics tools

    Mobile forensics tools

    Network forensics tools

    Database forensics tools

  • 시설 Facilities
Operation Procedures
Staffing and Training Plans
Documentation Plan

Internationally-Recognized KOLAS Certified

We Guarantee the Highest Quality Lab by Incorporating Expertise in Operations of Internationally Accredited Institutions.

The accreditation system for testing organizations is a process where a recognized body, compliant with legal or international standards, evaluates the quality systems and technical capabilities of testing organizations through qualified assessors.
This system officially recognizes the testing capability of these organizations in specific fields.

국제공인 KOLAS 인정

By leveraging the operation know-how of internationally accredited institutions, we ensure the highest quality in setting up forensic labs to meet global standards.

KThe KOLAS accreditation is certified by the Korean Agency for Technology and Standards ensuring conformity with ISO/IEC 17025 and 17020. Certified organizations guarantee the quality of their results through accredited test reports.


Consulting Procedure

We provide consulting to establish the optimal process and environment tailored to your organization's needs.

Consulting Process

Past Projects

  • 01

    Digital Forensics Lab
    at Transparent Business Research

  • 02

    Digital Forensics Center at Yoon & Yang LLC